Dr Ben Clifford: Coronavirus pandemic puts the spotlight on poor housing quality in England
4 May 2020
Dr Ben Clifford has dedicated extensive research to housing quality in England. In a new piece in The Conversation, Dr Clifford highlights concerns about the relationship between health and housing quality in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
RICS funded research by Dr Ben Clifford and BSP colleagues found serious concerns regarding overcrowding in new housing created through permitted development, which allows buildings previously used as offices to be transformed into housing.
In his article in The Conversation, Dr Clifford discusses both the mental and physical health implications that the current lockdown may have on those living in small spaces.
Read the article on The Conversation website.
Useful Links:
- 'It feels almost like prison': the developers building homes with no natural light: The Guardian
- BSP team sommissioned by MHCLG to do permitted development research
- Office to residential housing: Dr Ben Clifford interviewed on BBC Radio 4 RICS
- Report: ‘Impact of extending development rights to office-to-residential change’ May 2018
- Report: Thirty examples of Permitted Development Conversions. September 2019