Two-speed Britain? A vision of London in 2030
31 March 2014

Radio 4 - Tuesday 1st April 8.00pm
Listen out for The Bartlett School of Planning’s contribution to a Radio 4 broadcast, in which contributers are asked to imagine Britain in 2030 when London has just won its independence from the rest of the UK. Professors Yvonne Rydin, John Tomaney and Michael Edwards have been asked to provide their thoughts on what the future might hold for the new London city-state and the rest of the UK if London continued to dominate. What would the environmental consequences of independence for London be? What would the city do with its waste? What about water issues? The questions are endless.
The programme, being presented by the Guardian’s Aditya Chakrobortty, will air on Tuesday 1st April at 8.00pm.
To listen in go to Radio 4 on BBC Radio iplayer or on 92-95 FM, 103-105 FM (with local variations for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland).