Interdisciplinary Urban Design MRes Book Launch, Opening Exhibition and Opening Research Seminar
06 March 2024, 4:30 pm–6:30 pm
We are delighted to announce our MRes Interdisciplinary Urban Design Exhibition, Research Catalogue launch and Opening of our Research Seminar Series, celebrating 10 years of MRes IdUD research excellence at the Bartlett School of Planning!
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni
- Yes
- Free
Filipa Wunderlich
We will be showcasing the diversity and interdisciplinarity of cutting-edge research projects produced by the Interdisciplinary Urban Design MRes over the past 10 years, and bringing together our alumni as speakers in conversation with our academic staff and current students, as well as industry professionals. This first Opening Research Seminar will be the first event of six Public Research Seminars. For prospective students wishing to learn more about and/or study on the Interdisciplinary Urban Design MRes, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions about applying for the course to Programme Director Dr Filipa Wunderlich and alumni of the course.
The Interdisciplinary Urban Design MRes Book/Research Catalogue, Exhibition and Research Seminars Series are part of a wider UCL ChangeMakers funded project, entitled: MRes InterConnect: Bridging Interdisciplinary Communities and Frontline Research. In addition to showcasing the cutting-edge research produced by the Interdisciplinary Urban Design MRes, the aim of the project is to enhance connections within our community of alumni and academic staff from The Bartlett, UCL's Faculty of the Built Environment.
The project is led by Dr Filipa Wunderlich and current students Adonai Boamah-Nyamekye, Zhejun Wang, and supported by alumni Mariam Alzaabi and Shani Pearlman
This is a hybrid event taking place online and in person.
About the Speakers
Czuba Blazej
Associate at Maccreanor Lavington Architects
Jeffrey Roberts
Partner at Ipsos Strategy3
Irene Manzini
PhD researcher at Bartlett School of Planning and Research Consultant at City Science Office Reggio Emilia, Italy
Richard Sobey
Executive Consultant Strategist in Place-making, Social Change, Arts, Cultural & Heritage at PhD researcher at CASA
Uma Humelnicu
Consultant at Avison Young | Place Advisory
Sarah Goldzweig
Researcher and Project Officer at Latin Elephant
Aleksandra Brzozka
Senior Consultant at Infrastructure and Economics at Quod
Shani Pearlman
Architect and Urban Design Consultant at Naama Malis Architecture & Urban Design
Mariam Alzaabi
Abu Dhabi TAMM Government services at Architect and Urban Design Consultant | Creative Design Director
Huiying Jiang
Senior Designer at Martha Schwartz Partners
Steve Bee
Principal at Urban Counsel