Bartlett Planning PhD Summer Workshop 2023
19 June 2023, 2:00 pm–6:30 pm

Community Responses to State-led Market Failure: A Global Perspective
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Ben Hughes
Location: Bentham House 221 Hong Kong Alumni Room Endsleigh Gardens London WC1H 0EG
The workshop will explore how communities across the globe are impacted by, and respond to, state-led market failure and the governance systems that lie behind this. Presentations will draw on examples of state co-option of communities, developer-led regeneration and financialised systems of governance. They will explore a range of themes including state/community power relations; austerity urbanism, social infrastructure and ‘left behind places’; responsibilisation and risk transfer; the emergence of the shadow state; and the growth of the social economy. The seminar will consider how these approaches re-imagine state/community power relations and what they mean for established systems of governance.
14.00 – 14.15 Introduction: Ben Hughes (UCL)
14.15 – 15.45 Session 1: The Impacts of Financialised Governance Systems on Communities and the Built Environment
- Ying-Chun Hou (UCL): “A Financial-turn in East Asia? The Role of Communities and their Responses in Taiwan”
- Abir Eltayeb (UCL): “From Planning with Communities to Planning Under a Civil War: A Critical Reading of the Lebanese Enabling Legislation for Real Estate Companies in Post-War Reconstruction”
- Deivi Norburg (Queen Mary University of London): “The Challenges of Organising Small Businesses in East London: A Three-year Collaborative Ethnographic Study”
- Discussant: Dr Joe Penny (Lecturer, UCL)
15.45 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 17.30 Session 2: Community Responses, Reactions and Resistance to market failure
- Jungha Im (UCL): “The Emergence of the Social Economy in Regenerating Declining Cities: The Dynamics of Community Responses in Korea”
- Aleks Milentijevic (UCL): “Importance of Public Activism in Urban Planning in the Creation of the Right to the Post-Socialist City: The case of Belgrade, Serbia”
- Martha Mingay (University of Sheffield): “Crisis and the Common(s): Understanding Urban Community Land Trust Activism”
- Discussant: Dr Myfanwy Taylor (Research Fellow, UCL), Meena Bharadwa (Community Commentator, Access – The Foundation for Social Investments
17.30 – 18.30 Reception
Light refreshments will be provided with food and drinks from a local community enterprise.