The Bartlett MRes Conference 2017
22 September 2017, 10:30 am–6:30 pm

We are happy to welcome you to this year’s Bartlett MRes Conference. The Bartlett MRes Conference is an annual event, held to welcome new students of Bartlett Masters in Research post-graduate programmes of study.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students
- Yes
Filipa Wunderlich
Room 6.02 22 Gordon Street
The conference aspires to showcase the diversity of Masters in Research courses across the Bartlett, UCL's Faculty of the Built Environment:
- MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation
- MRes Architectural Computation
- MRes Architecture and Digital Theory
- MRes Inter-disciplinary Urban Design
- MRes Energy Demand Studies
- MRes Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology
- MRes Space Syntax: Architecture and Digital Cities
The programme consists of short presentations of the individual courses by Course Directors, followed by student presentations. This will give you a good overview of the research that our students undertake during their year at the Bartlett.
All MRes students are most warmly welcome, as well as members of staff and especially supervisors.
Please bring your Eventbrite ticket and your UCL ID to the event.
10:30-11:00 Reception
11:00-11:30 Introduction - Dr. Filipa Wunderlich
Dean’s Welcome - Prof. Alan Penn
MRes Tutor talk - Dr. Kayvan Karimi
11:30-11:35 MRes Spatial Data Science and Visualisation: Course introduction - Dr Martin Zaltz Austwick, Course Director
11:35-11:50 Gabriele Filomena, “A computational approach to Image of the City”
11:50-12:05 Dominic Humphrey, “The benefits and methods to calculate land value from price data in the UK.”
12:05-12:10 MRes Energy Demand Studies: Course introduction - Dr Catalina Spataru, Course Director
12:10-12:25 Duncan Grassie, “Impact of data availability and model complexity on prediction of energy consumption in Camden schools”
12:25-12:40 Giorgos Petrou, “Inter-model comparison of indoor overheating risk prediction for English dwellings”
12:40-13:15 Lunch break
13:15-14:30 Posters’ presentations
14:30-14:35 MRes Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities: Course introduction - Dr Kayvan Karimi
14:35-14:50 Genevieve Lum, “The Spatial Culture of Mass Comsumption”
14:50-15:05 Maria Balarezo, “The Trails of Street Art”
15:05-15:10 MRes Interdisciplinary Urban Design: Course introduction - Dr Filipa Wunderlich, Course Director
15:10-15:25 Jeffrey Roberts, “Organisational Problem-solving and the Urban Design Process”
15:25-15:40 Yigong Zhang, “Tactics and Processes - The Making of Tactical Space in Dalston”
15:40 - 16:00 Tea and Coffee break
16:00-16:05 MRes Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology: Course introduction - Dr Josep Grau-Bové, Assistant Course Director
16:05-16:20 Jenny Richards, “Modelling the future of the past: Using a cellular automaton model to assess the impact of environmental processes on earthen heritage.”
16:20-16:35 Richard Grove, “Built on Sand; Predicting the Metrics of Weathered Sandstone in Heritage.”
16:35-17:00 Event closure / social drinks