Bartlett professor wins Lifetime Achievement award
15 November 2017
Professor Alexi Marmot has received the Premises & Facilities Management Lifetime Achievement award.
The honour, which was decided by a panel of judges, was presented to Professor Marmot at a ceremony held in London.
Professor Marmot was given the prize "in recognition of a long and influential career that has been an inspiration to others.” The award is recognised in the industry sector as “the ultimate accolade for a career of dedication and enthusiasm that places the recipient head and shoulders above others."
Professor Marmot’s interest in facilities management stems from specialising as both practitioner and academic, in buildings for work, education, and culture.
Her research on buildings in use throughout their long lifetimes, demonstrates their potential impact on health, productivity and engagement of their occupants, and on planetary concerns to limit energy use and climate change.
As Professor of Facility and Environment Management at UCL since 2007, she has engaged with the vast and growing international Facilities Management profession and industry, helping to elevate the industry's knowledge base and status.
A full list of award winners can be viewed on the Premises and Facilities Management website.
Photograph: Chris Taylor Photography