
UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Connected Innovation Project

Module content

This module will equip you with skills and experience in the field of transformative enterprise. It involves innovation immersive experience with a partner organization plus in-depth discussions on relevant topics (such as intervention ethics, technology and privacy, inclusivity and societal impact). You will have the choice of working: i) on an innovation project with a partner organization (such as a start-up enterprise, incubator, company, government agency, community group or non-profit organization); ii) on a research assignment with one of IGP’s research teams in the UK, Lebanon or Kenya; or iii) on an innovation project of your own design in collaboration with a UK or overseas organization of your choosing.

Illustrative module outline

  1. Challenge-setting workshop with partners
  2. Masterclasses on specific innovation challenges
  3. Intervention ethics, technology, privacy and impact
  4. Co-designing for social innovation and prosperity
  5. Innovation fair

Module restriction

This module is for students of MSc Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship only.

Indicative Reading

Ansari S. & Krop P. (2012) Incumbent Performance in the Face of a Radical Innovation: Towards a Framework for Incumbent Challenger Dynamics, Research Policy 41(8): 1357–74.

Chesbrough H. (2006) Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Christensen C.M., Baumann H., Ruggles R. & Sadtler T.M. (2006) Disruptive Innovation for Social Change, Harvard Business Review 84 (12): 94.

Christiansen J. (2016) The art of the innovation lab. London: NESTA, available at:  https://www.nesta.org.uk/blog/the-art-of-the-innovation-lab

Hassan Z. (2014) The Social Labs Revolution: A New Approach to Solving Our Most Complex Challenges. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Hippel E. von. (2006). Democratizing Innovation. 1. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press (available at: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=712763)

IDEO (2003) IDEO Method Cards: 51 Ways to Inspire Design UK, William Stout http://hcitang.org/uploads/Teaching/ideo-method-cards-2by1.pdf

Innov8ors (2018)  The Innovator's Handbook 2018, e-book available at: https://innov8rs.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/The-Innovators-Handbook-2018-Digital-Book.pdf

Lockton D., Harrison D.L. & Stanton N.A. (2010) Design with Intent: 101 patterns for influencing behaviour through design, http://designwithintent.co.uk/docs/designwithintent_cards_1.0_draft_rev_sm.pdf

McDermott C.M. & O’Connor G.C. (2002) Managing Radical Innovation: An Overview of Emergent Strategy Issues, Journal of Product Innovation Management 19, 424–438.

McLaughlin G. & Kennedy W. (2016) Innovation Project Management Handbook. London & New York: CRC Press.

Mulder I. (2012) Living Labbing the Rotterdam Way: Co-Creation as an Enabler for Urban Innovation, Technology Innovation Management Review, September 2012, available at: https://timreview.ca/article/607.

Murray R., Caulier-Grice J. & Mulgan G. (2010) The Open Book of Social Innovation. London: NESTA.

Nicholls A. and Murdock A., eds (2012) Social Innovation: Blurring Boundaries to Reconfigure Markets. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.