Looking at old ground in a new way
A research project that aims to investigate the synergies between heritage science and sport science, and their collective impact on wellbeing.
Collections Demography
A collaborative interdisciplinary project on holistic understanding of collections as populations of objects
Heritage Smells!
An interdisciplinary project focused on aseous emissions from heritage objects and their value in non-destructive diagnostics
Accessible Heritage
A project for the development and deployment of environmental sensor networks with a supporting policy framework
Change or Damage?
This project researched the effect of the climate on decorative furniture surfaces in historic properties
Heritage Intelligence
This project developed an early warning monitoring system with sensors measuring various environmental factors
TeACH Project
An international project on assessment of the effect of air pollution on movable and immoveable heritage
An international project on understanding and conservation of plastic artifacts in historic collections
St. Paul's Cathedral Library Environmental Study
UCL ISH led an environmental campaign to improve the environment and increase access of the library
The Building Environment Simulation project (BES)
UCL ISH delivered an environmental simulation model of the building which contains records almost 1,000 years old
Identical Books
This project compared the condition of books in different nationally significant libraries based on their environment
NOAH's ARK Project
This project looked at the impact of the future climate and pollution levels on cultural heritage on a European scale
Climate Change and the Historic Environment
This project advised the historic environment, encompassing historic buildings and collections to adapt to climate change
Conservation Solutions (STOA)
This project discussed technological requirements for solutions in the conservation and protection of historic monuments and archaeological remains
This project produced software to assist museums, galleries and archives in managing the risks of air pollution
Nuffield Placement
UCL ISH hosted a school student, Aliyah Aslam, in a placement organised by the Nuffield Foundation
Birmingham Museums
UCL ISH visited the Birmingham Museums to undertake some analysis of plastic objects that form part of Romuald Hazoumè’s work