We're hiring: Lecturer (Teaching) in Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings
24 May 2022
Duties and Responsibilities
The vision of the UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE) is a world in which the development of buildings and the urban environment is sustainable.
The post holder will be required to act as the Programme Lead for the Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings (HWSB) MSc. They will also develop the MSc programme, in response to student feedback, developments in relevant research, and implementing UCL’s strategy for research-led teaching. Furthermore they will undertake strategic outreach activities with the media, civil society, industry and government to open up new possibilities for students to learn and generate real-world impacts.
This post is fixed term to cover a member of staff from 1/6/2022 until 30/9/2023.
Key Requirements
The successful candidate will have a PhD, or be near to completion, in a subject relevant to a research area in the job description, or relevant industry experience. The ability to deliver and develop programmes of teaching, together with the technical skills within the areas outlined in the job description is essential.
Further Details
A job description and person specification can be accessed here.
To apply for this vacancy click on the ‘Apply Now’ button at the top of the page.
If you have any queries regarding the vacancy or the application process, please contact: bseer-recruitment@ucl.ac.uk.
If you have specific questions about the role please contact Prof Dejan Mumovic d.mumovic@ucl.ac.uk.
UCL Taking Action for Equality
Our department holds an Athena SWAN Silver award, in recognition of our commitment and demonstrable impact in advancing gender equality.
This appointment is subject to UCL Terms and Conditions of Service for Research and Support Staff.
Please use these links to find out more about UCL working life including the benefits we offer and UCL Terms and Conditions related to this job.
Photo by Nerea Martí Sesarino on Unsplash