
UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering


IEDE PhD student accepted for Yale-UCL collaborative student exchange

13 May 2020

Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering PhD student Huan Tong, has successfully applied, and been granted a highly competitive bursary as part of the Yale UCL Collaborative Student Exchange Programme.

Yale University building

The Yale UCL Collaborative is an exchange scheme for doctoral students, giving UCL students the opportunity to undertake a period of research at Yale as part of their doctorate under the supervision of an identified Yale Supervisor.

Huan’s PhD investigates relationships between noise exposures and health issues, such as noise complaints, sleep disorder and mental health in various scales of cities using spatial and temporal analysis. With a very interdisciplinary approach, her thesis topic is ‘Effects of sound environment on health from urban planning perspective with open-sourced data analysis’, supervised by Professor Jian Kang at IEDE.

At Yale, Huan will be focusing on environmental health research of US cities. She will be based in the Yale School of Public Health, a world-class academic institution that provides leadership to protect and improve the health of the public through interdisciplinary scholarship. She will be supervised by Dr Warren, a leading expert in statistical methods and environmental health science. 

The Yale-UCL collaborative has been designed to enable UCL doctoral students to experience working in a different academic setting at another world-leading research-intensive university and to gather skills that will enhance their current work as well as future personal and professional plans.

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