UCL Building Stock Lab awarded funding by UK Government as part of Heat Pump Ready Programme
13 October 2022
Working with EDF and partners, UCL Energy Institute’s Building Stock Lab will use 3D Stock model to assess heat pump ready homes in Teignbridge.
The UK Government’s Heat Pump Ready programme is part the £1 billion pound Net Zero Innovation Portfolio (NZIP), supporting the development of innovative solutions across the heat pump sector. £2 million of funding has been announced by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for 11 'Stream 1 – Phase 1' projects to development of innovative coordinated solutions for high-density deployment of domestic heat pump.
As part of an EDF led consortium the Building Stock Lab will use the 3DStock model to assess homes in Teignbridge that are heat pump ready. The consortium project is looking at a solution for high density heat pumps in rural areas. The project will use an innovative ambient ground loop system developed by partner Kensa to reduce the cost of heat pump deployment by sharing the infrastructure between many homes.
Dominic Humphrey, Research Fellow in Building Stock Models and Building Retrofit at UCL Energy Institute, said:
““We are excited to be joining this consortium to develop a practical solution to the electrification of heat. Not only will the electrification of heat improve UK energy security the switch to heat pumps offers households more comfort for less energy. The project is an ideal demonstration of the value that building stock models (a form of digital twin) can offer, identifying homes that are heat pump ready and adjacent to space renewable energy can be harnessed through ground source heat.”
UCL Team
- EDF R&D UK Centre
- EDF Energy Customers Limited
- Urbanomy UK Limited
- Devon County Council
- Kensa Utilities
- University of Sheffield
- Enzen