UCL Energy Institute Shipping group cited in major Department for Transport report
22 March 2019
The report, ‘Maritime 2050 – Navigating the Future’, mentions our research into low-carbon shipping as well the Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK) project, of which UCL is a founding member.
Maritime 2050 – Navigating the Future
The report was launched by the UK Department for Transport at the International Maritime Organization on 24 January 2019. It sets out the government’s vision and ambitions for the future of the British maritime sector.
Under the heading ‘Thought leadership’, the report highlights the contribution of several academic institutions, including UCL:
“UK universities and business consultancies are central to UK thought leadership. They contain invaluable maritime expertise across numerous topics.UK universities and business consultancies are central to UK thought leadership. They contain invaluable maritime expertise across numerous topics.
The shipping group's groundbreaking report on zero emission pathways for shipping is also cited in the sections on technological solutions for zero-emission shipping.
Maritime Research and Innovation UK (MarRI-UK)
UCL is also cited in relation to the MarRI-UK project. This is a new collaboration between eight companies, four universities and a trade association. It aims to improve maritime research and development by drawing on drawing on assets across the UK.
More information
- Read the full report online (PDF, 8.7MB)
- Read the executive summary (PDF, 2.82 MB)
- Read more about the Maritime Research & Innovation UK
- Find out more about the UCL Energy Institute Shipping research theme
- Read the recent Bartlett 100 feature on decarbonisation in global shipping