
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU Working Paper - No. 141

Insecure Spaces, Precarious Geographies: Biopolitics and Security in Jerusalem and beyond


6 November 2010

Authors: Joe Penny

Publication Date: 2010

Biopolitics, Security and the Production of Space In Jerusalem and Beyond

The question of security and planning in the city has long historical roots. Indeed, according to Leonie Sandercock “planning and urban management discourses are, and always have been, saturated with fear” (cited in Wekerle and Jackson, 2005: 34). A good early example of this is provided in French Renaissance scientist Bernard Palissy‟s 1563  paper De La Ville Fortresse (Klauser, 2010). Palissy was a French Huguenot, subjected to Catholic persecution and violence. As a result he was deeply concerned with the design of a city that would protect both his life, and that of his religious community.

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