Nationality: Indian
Year of entry: 2011
Sneha Krishnan has been a doctoral candidate at the University College of London from 2011. She is based out of the Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering Department and is also affiliated to the Development Planning Unit. She is also a member with various academic and professional bodies such as EWB - UK, SanCop, IRDR, and RedR India.
Sneha, born and bought up in Mumbai has graduated with Psychology and trained in Masters in Disaster Management from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India.
Her thematic interest areas include resilient approaches to disaster, community-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation policies and action, capacity building initiatives. She has been engaged in management and coordination roles during her deployments in various emergencies in India. Her sector-specific interests include water, sanitation and hygiene in emergencies programming, emergency food security and livelihoods, hygiene promotion in conflict and children's needs, and shelter monitoring and evaluation. She has carried out emergency needs assessments, monitoring and evaluation, policy advocacy and organizational capacity building.
- Research information
Title: Water, sanitation and hygiene in post disaster recovery and resilience
Keywords: Resilience, humanitarian, recovery, WASH
The research focuses on post disaster recovery and reconstruction, with specifically on how to build community resilience in water, sanitation and hygiene systems. The focus on WASH stems from a public heath and environmental health perspective which is crucial in the disaster risk reduction context of the Global South. Using extensive field experience from working in the floods context in Assam and post cyclone Phailin in Odisha, the study emphasizes on learning and participatory approaches to link humanitarian response and recovery as well as development initiatives.
Main Supervisor: John Twigg
Subsidiary Supervisor: Cassidy Johnson
- Publications and other work
2014: "Understanding community resilience through water, sanitation and hygiene practices in disaster recovery’ as part of the proceedings of EUGEO conference, Rome, 2013 (in press).
2013: Working paper series on "WaSH and community resilience" (under publication) under the Aon Benfield Hazard Research Centre, UCL, London.
2013 July: Presented on "WaSH and Community Resilience: Field Experience from Assam Floods 2012" at 36th WEDC International Conference, Kenya.
2013 May: Submitted and presented at 6th International Conference "Sustainable Post-Disaster Reconstruction: From Recovery to Risk Reduction", Switzerland.
Exhibited research photograph images during the Research Images competition held at UCL in December 2012 at UCL, London. Three consecutive images can be viewed at
2011 May: Presented a paper on Urban Flooding in Mumbai, during the 4th workshop of Kyoto University GCOE-HSE Mumbai Base on "Integrated Community based Flood Risk Identification and Mitigation in Micro Hotspots, Dharavi Mumbai"
2010 May: Presented a paper in the National Conference on Geomatics in Disaster Management held in Tata Institute of Social Sciences. The paper was on 'Flood Risk Mapping with Special Reference to Demographic and Physical Vulnerability Indicators, Parts of Mumbai, India'
2009, April: Paper presentation on "Ecological Refugees: An emerging concern" at the National seminar on Disaster Management: Towards Ecological and Human Security at JTCDM, Mumbai.