Title: "Investigating the influence of green infrastructure concepts on urban governance in Johannesburg, South Africa.”
Key Topics: green infrastructure, governance, actors, infrastructure
Kerry holds Bachelor of Science (Honours) and Master of Science degrees in Geography from Rhodes University, South Africa. She started her doctoral degree in 2016/17 after working as a researcher South Africa and United Kingdom for six years. During this time Kerry provided policy support to provincial and local government, conducted quantitative and qualitative analyses to inform decision-making and published applied research.
Kerry’s research interests lie at the intersection of environmental governance and urban sustainability. This includes topics related to the conceptualisation and development of green infrastructure in urban areas, water management, mining waste impacts on the environment and collaborative practice for achieving sustainable development.
In her doctoral research, Kerry aims to investigate in what ways concepts of the environment and infrastructure are used in Johannesburg and how they have influenced urban governance. While her approach acknowledges the value of policy and technical interventions, she focuses on histories, actors, and local context and how these factors shape the way concepts are translated and used in practice. Knowledge generated from her project will contribute to understanding how environmental concepts gain meaning and are used in city planning and management processes.