Nationality: Brazil
Year of entry: 2014
Architect and urban planner at URBEL, a local government company assigned to the urbanization of informal settlements in Belo Horizonte (BH), Brazil, where she also works as a lecturer on Architecture at PUCMinas University. Completed a PhD at UCL Development Planning Unit in 2020, and a MSc in "Theory, Production and Experience of Space" at NPGAU-UFMG, Brazil, in 2012. Bachelor Diplomas in Architecture and Urban Planning from UFMG (2006), and in Computer Science at PUCMinas (1994). Diploma in Interior Design from INAP (2001).
The Transitional Functions of Mapping: psychoanalytic reflections on a research with maps.
mapping, transitional, psychoanalysis, informal settlement, critical spatial practice
Dr Colin Marx
Honorary Supervisor (tertiary): Prof. Celina Borges Lemos
Prof. Jane Rendell (UCL)
Prof. Steve Pile (Open University, UK)
Capes Foundation, Brazil
- PhD Thesis available for download on:
- MSc Dissertation available for download on:
- Monteiro, G., & Lemos, C. (2015 [2012]). O espaço público da rua como síntese das reflexões críticas do urbano: Encontro das diferenças no contexto da diversidade socio-espacial contemporânea na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. [The public space of the street as synthesis of critical reflections on the urban: the encounter of differences in the context of contemporary socio-spatial diversity in the Belo Horizonte metropolitan region.] (MSc ed.). Saarbrücken, Deutschland: Novas Edições Acadêmicas. ISBN 978-3-639-75307-3.
- Monteiro, G. (2015). A atualidade de alberti do diálogo contemporâneo entre a prática e a crítica [The presence of Alberti in the contemporary dialogue between practice and criticism]. Annals of the internationa congress " À la genese des rationalités modernes 2: Autour d'alberti et de l'humanisme" (pp. 155-169). Coimbra, Portugal: Universidade de Coimbra. Available for download at:
- Monteiro, G. (2014). Uma cidade está sendo ocupada: Uma leitura de ocupações e expansões urbanas à luz das elaborações de Freud em torno do masoquismo. [A city is being occupied: a reading of contemporary occupations and urban sprawl in light of the elaborations by Freud around masochism.] In J. Cardoso, L. Silva & V. Mourão (Eds.), Transfinitos 13 - fantasma e desejo, masoquismo e outros temas (). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Aleph Escola de Psicanálise. ISBN 85-68685005.
- Monteiro, G. (2013). 'Furor aedificandi': Traçados da pulsão no ambiente construído. ['Furor aedificandi': tracings of 'Trieb' on the built environment] In J. Cardoso (Ed.), Transfinitos 12 - traçados da pulsão (pp. 249-260). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Aleph Escola de Psicanálise. ISBN 978-8563816054.
- Monteiro, G. (2012). O mal-estar na paralaxe [The discontents in the paralax (in this case, the paralax of the space between buildings)]. In H. Godoy (Ed.), Transfinitos 11 - O mal-estar (). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Aleph Escola de Psicanálise. ISBN 978-8563816047.