
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Giovana Helena de Miranda Monteiro

Nationality: Brazil

Year of entry: 2014

Architect and urban planner at URBEL, a local government company assigned to the urbanization of informal settlements in Belo Horizonte (BH), Brazil, where she also works as a lecturer on Architecture at PUCMinas University. Completed a PhD at UCL Development Planning Unit in 2020, and a MSc in "Theory, Production and Experience of Space" at NPGAU-UFMG, Brazil, in 2012. Bachelor Diplomas in Architecture and Urban Planning from UFMG (2006), and in Computer Science at PUCMinas (1994). Diploma in Interior Design from INAP (2001).

Research information


The Transitional Functions of Mapping: psychoanalytic reflections on a research with maps.


mapping, transitional, psychoanalysis, informal settlement, critical spatial practice


Dr Colin Marx

Honorary Supervisor (tertiary): Prof. Celina Borges Lemos


Prof. Jane Rendell (UCL)

Prof. Steve Pile (Open University, UK)


Capes Foundation, Brazil 

Publications and other work

  • PhD Thesis available for download on: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10093842/
  • MSc Dissertation available for download on: http://hdl.handle.net/1843/BUOS-8YQN5B
  • Monteiro, G., & Lemos, C. (2015 [2012]). O espaço público da rua como síntese das reflexões críticas do urbano: Encontro das diferenças no contexto da diversidade socio-espacial contemporânea na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. [The public space of the street as synthesis of critical reflections on the urban: the encounter of differences in the context of contemporary socio-spatial diversity in the Belo Horizonte metropolitan region.] (MSc ed.). Saarbrücken, Deutschland: Novas Edições Acadêmicas. ISBN 978-3-639-75307-3.
  • Monteiro, G. (2015). A atualidade de alberti do diálogo contemporâneo entre a prática e a crítica [The presence of Alberti in the contemporary dialogue between practice and criticism]. Annals of the internationa congress " À la genese des rationalités modernes 2: Autour d'alberti et de l'humanisme" (pp. 155-169). Coimbra, Portugal: Universidade de Coimbra. Available for download at: https://digitalis.uc.pt/pt-pt/livro/atualidade_de_alberti_no_di%C3%A1logo_contempor%C3%A2neo_entre_pr%C3%A1tica_e_cr%C3%ADtica
  • Monteiro, G. (2014). Uma cidade está sendo ocupada: Uma leitura de ocupações e expansões urbanas à luz das elaborações de Freud em torno do masoquismo. [A city is being occupied: a reading of contemporary occupations and urban sprawl in light of the elaborations by Freud around masochism.] In J. Cardoso, L. Silva & V. Mourão (Eds.), Transfinitos 13 - fantasma e desejo, masoquismo e outros temas (). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Aleph Escola de Psicanálise. ISBN 85-68685005.
  • Monteiro, G. (2013). 'Furor aedificandi': Traçados da pulsão no ambiente construído. ['Furor aedificandi': tracings of 'Trieb' on the built environment] In J. Cardoso (Ed.), Transfinitos 12 - traçados da pulsão (pp. 249-260). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Aleph Escola de Psicanálise. ISBN 978-8563816054.
  • Monteiro, G. (2012). O mal-estar na paralaxe [The discontents in the paralax (in this case, the paralax of the space between buildings)]. In H. Godoy (Ed.), Transfinitos 11 - O mal-estar (). Belo Horizonte, Brasil: Aleph Escola de Psicanálise. ISBN 978-8563816047.