KNOW Doctoral Training Course 2021 launched
2 November 2020
The Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality programme is delighted to announce the second iteration of its Doctoral Training Course entitled, Co-producing Doctoral Urban Research in the Global South.

This online short course will run from 6-9 December 2021 and aims to:
- Mobilise urban equality and epistemic justice as critical lenses for engaging with urban development challenges for a diversity of students from universities across the UK;
- Provide the space for a critical discussion about the theory and practice of knowledge co-production;
- Generate a supportive co-learning environment for students to reflect on the current or potential contributions of knowledge co-production to their doctoral research;
- Contribute to the development of a UK Urban Learning Hub which brings together urban researchers who engage with issues of knowledge co-production and urban equality.
Eligibility criteria
Applicants are required to:
- Be enrolled in a PhD programme at a UK university;
- Demonstrate that their doctoral projects show significant interest in, or are already committed to, address issues of one or more of the following: epistemic justice, knowledge co-production and/or urban equality in relation to cities of the global South.
We particularly encourage applications from first and second-year MPhil/PhD students, but the course is open to everyone.
For more information about the course and to download the application form, please visit