DPU's KNOW Small Grants Fund Awardees – Second Round
31 March 2020
DPU's KNOW project is pleased to announce the second set of awards made by the KNOW Small Grants Fund.

The Fund was set up to support scholars at UK universities, policy research institutions, and NGOs with a research portfolio to travel to KNOW partner cities to conduct primary research that relates to the theme of urban equality.
The second call for applications went live in October 2019. From a competitive field of applicants, the Selection Committee selected four projects that resonate closely with the work of our local partners and contribute new perspectives to our understandings of urban equality.
Congratulations to Andrea Jimenez Cisneros from the University of Sheffield, Cristian Fernando Olmos Herrera from the University of Brighton, Nikhilesh Sinha from Hult International Business School, and Isabel Young from the Young Foundation; the second cohort of KNOW Small Grants awardees.
Find out more about the awardees and the projects on the KNOW website.