
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


The DPU summerLab team launches a ‘winter’ special online edition

18 December 2020

The virtual series will take place in the contexts of Aleppo, Berbera and Chengdu

DPU summerLab winter

The DPU summerLab team is glad to announce the launch of a special online ‘winter’ edition, that will run from Sunday 14 February until Thursday 18 February 2021, reaching remotely a number of designers, activists, researchers and practitioners.

Due to the current pandemic, we have not been able to run the in-situ workshops that would have otherwise happened last September. We take this as an opportunity to refresh the programme’s format. We will offer five days of online seminars and design research workshop-like sessions, where we will discuss current challenges and approaches, identify research gaps, co-produce strategies to achieve transformative change.

We will leverage the reality of three cities, in a comparative fashion, working remotely with partners in Aleppo, Berbera, Chengdu. In so doing, we will question how urbanism and forms of tangible and intangible heritage are affected by armed conflict, infrastructural development, regeneration processes.

The programme of activities will be offered in a single package. Participants will be given access to multimedia learning materials one week prior to the beginning of the workshop and, from the 14 to the 18 February attend a series of online synchronous sessions, being exposed to live-lectures by partners and other guests and taking part to interactive discussions and design research activities.

The fee for international participants is 150 GBP. The discounted fee for DPU alumni and current students is 100 GBP. Reduction applies for local participants – please contact us to learn more. Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will receive a certificate of attendance issued by the DPU.

We will announce the full programme of activities in the week commencing the 4th of January 2021. Meanwhile, we welcome you to register an expression of interest or to ask us any questions at dpusummerlab@ucl.ac.uk or contacting the programme coordinator Dr Giorgio Talocci at giorgio.talocci.11@ucl.ac.uk