Interns and Volunteers at the ESD field trip 2016
5 May 2016

An integral part of the Masters in Environment and Sustainable Development at the Development Planning Unit is a practice fieldwork abroad. For some years the programme has been visiting Lima and adding to the educative activity, an action research project with local partners looking at urban risk. The project: “cLima sin riesgo: Disrupting urban ‘risk traps’: bridging finance and knowledge for climate resilient infrastructural planning in Lima”, invited last year and this year again Peruvian professionals interested in undertaking an internship during the visit of the masters students in Lima. Their local expertise proved to be very relevant for the development of the research groups, and the interns also obtain an international view on some of the issues pressuring six different localities in the city: Barrios Altos, Chuquitanta, Costa Verde, El Agustino, Jose Carlos Mariategui y Pachacamac.
This year, over 60 inquiries from all over Latin America were received, 36 applications were evaluated, out of which 8 candidates were invited as interns and another 9 as volunteers. They are now working closely with the ESD masters students within the period 25.04.2016 to 09.05.2016. This is the selection of the team for 2016 - we extend our warm welcome to all of them.