‘Thinking Across Boundaries – Planning Dilemmas in the Urban Global South’ launched online
30 June 2014
The DPU is proudly launching the ‘Thinking Across Boundaries – Planning Dilemmas in the Urban Global South’ short film series, in the run up to our DPU 60 conference later this week.
The films are in three parts, which will be released over the next three days via the Thinking Across Boundaries webpage.
Part One, is entitled ‘Why call it the Urban Global South?’
What is the ‘urban global south’? What processes make cities and citizens in certain parts of the world ‘different’? What does such difference entail and how should it be treated theoretically and practically?
Part Two: What kind of planning practices does it call for? [available online from Tuesday 1 July]
Part Three: What kind of theory is required for the urban global south? [available online from Wednesday 2 July]
The project, and this series of short films, is part of the DPU’s 60th Anniversary celebrations. We are using this anniversary year to critically reflect on the dominant themes that define current development planning and practice and our own position within this field.
These short films call upon a range of key contributors to this debate, experts in their fields from many different geographies, to reproblematise the notion of planning in/for the ‘urban global South’ - in discussion with staff from the DPU.
The project was launched through a panel discussion held at the Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference in August 2013. The research, interviews, content and edition of the videos have been developed by Adriana Allen, Caren Levy, Barbara Lipietz, Colin Marx and Camila Cociña.