dpu summerLab 2013 pamphlet now available
15 January 2014

The dpusummerLab 2013 pamphlet is finally published and available online. You can download the pdf or view the document below. This fantastic 56-pages-tabloid publication is curated and edited by Camillo Boano, William Hunter and magically designed by Caroline Newton and it features numerous piece centred on the experiences in Medellin, Santiago, Rome and London, during the last summer 2013. It contains several reflections on the urban complexities and the different design research experiences from collaborators and partners Catalina Ortiz, Camila Cociña, Alberto Duman, Azzurra Muzzonigro and contributions from the participants as well as a discussion between Camillo Boano, William Hunter and the director of the UCL Urban Laboratory, Ben Campkin.
You can also read an interview Camillo Boano has recently given to the Rockefeller Resilient City program on the subject of Teaching Spatial Justice, which relates to the summerLab experience.
To find out more about the dpusummerLab and to stay tuned for more information about the 2014 programmes please visit the summerLab webpages.