New Publication: The Capability Approach, Technology & Design
12 April 2012
The new book edited by Oosterlaken, Ilse and Hoven, Jeroen van den (Eds.) has now been published by Springer. DPU lecturers Alexandre Apsan Frediani and Camillo Boano have a chapter in it entitled “Processes for Just Products: The Capability Space of Participatory Design”.
Alex and Camillo’s chapter explores the relationship between the process and product of participatory design and suggests an elaboration of design through the lens of the capability approach. The concept of ‘capability space’ is proposed to explore the process and product components of freedom associated to participatory design. Stemming from series concepts borrowed from radical democracy and social production of space literature aims at supporting the application of the concept of capability space. It argues that design is embedded in the processes of deepening democratic practices by revealing power relations and navigating through dissensus.
With subscription all chapters can be downloaded from the link ‘read online’