
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Silk Cities International Competition: Community's Cultural Life in Public Spaces

31 July 2023, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

silk cities photo competition graphic

Winner announcement event

Event Information

Open to



Silk Cities team


Room 403
Senate House, Malet Street
United Kingdom

The event will be hyrbid, to join online please register here - https://ucl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uV-JG4HrQKK64Zrf1XRMKg

Cities and urban spaces are transformed from time to time when communities practice their cultural traditions and express their cultural identities. From yearly preparations and celebrations of the new year, festivals, and rituals to more frequent cultural activities in public spaces a community’s cultural life interacts with public urban spaces and urban life.

Organised by Silk Cities, this international competition calls for photos and short videos, seeking to visually explore the relation between a community’s cultural activities and public spaces in normal situations or after disastrous incidents. Open to the public, the competition creates a platform to engage with a broader community interested in the topic. The multidisciplinary jury panel includes artists and practitioners from different regions. 

The upcoming 4th Silk Cities international academic conference also will explore the subject matter, focusing on ‘Intangible Heritage, Cities and Communities’.

Silk Cities website: https://silk-cities.org/.

Competition webpage: https://silk-cities.org/international-competition

Competition poster in different languages reflects diversity of Silk Cities network:  https://silk-cities.org/posters

silk cities logo