Elections in Argentina: Putting Climate Change into the Agenda
17 May 2019, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Prof Adriana Allen
DPU Room 10134 Tavistock SquareLondonWC1H 9EZ
The Research Cluster on Environmental Justice, Urbanisation and Resilience (EJUR) and Climate Tracker are pleased to invite you to participate in the debate "Elections in Argentina: Putting Climate Change into the Agenda".
General elections will take place in Argentina next October in a context of adverse economic and environmental conditions. The event will cover a range of urgent topics of the Argentine current situation such as Biodiversity, Climate Justice Movements, Extractivism, and Urban and Rural Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Policies.
Professor Mariana Rufino, Chair of Agricultural Systems at Lancaster University (UK), will deliver a presentation focused on “The Challenges and Opportunities presented by Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation to the Argentinean Farming Sector”.
Mg Daniela Guarás Programmer Officer, Ecosystem Assessment and Policy Support, UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and former policy advisor in international environmental issues at the Ministry of Agriculture of Argentina, will deliver a presentation focused on “The International Framework for Biodiversity (CBD and IPBES)”.
Dr Alejandro Milcíades Peña, Lecturer in International Relations at University of York, will deliver a presentation focused on “The Lithium Boom and the Argentine Extractivist Model: Some Preliminary Observations”. Julian Reingold Sociologist and Journalist for the Latin-American Hub of Climate Tracker
Julian Reingold will deliver a presentation focused on “Urban Environmental Policies and Climate Justice Movements”.
Chair: Prof Adriana Allen Professor of Development Planning and Urban Sustainability at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL, where she leads the research cluster on Environmental Justice, Urbanisation and Resilience (EJUR) and the practice-based component of the MSc in Environment and Sustainable Development (ESD).