Computational Media and the Territory: From Citizen Interventions to Immersive Collective Experience
19 March 2019, 2:00 pm–3:30 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Catalina Ortiz
DPU Room 10134 TavistockLondonWC1H 9EZ
A series of arts and the technology projects will be presented with the aim to discuss the urban experience and the symbolic nature of the territories. Large and small urban regions are highly complex entities; it is impossible to describe them with just one unequivocal concept. The urban habitats and the rural environments are the results of the interaction of hundreds of elements that go from individuals to communities, from infrastructure to mobility, from the real to the imaginary, from the public to private, and today more than ever, from the physical to the virtual. In my creative practice in the transdisciplinary field of media, arts, and technology, I engage in projects and initiatives that actively explore those dualities mentioned earlier either by creating computational models of the city or by temporarily transforming the urban environments at the experiential level.
Speaker Biography
Andres Burbano is Associate Professor in the School of Architecture and Design at Universidad de Los Andes, in Bogota, Colombia. Burbano holds a Ph.D. in Media Arts and Technology from the University of California Santa Barbara. Burbano explores the interactions of science, art and technology in various capacities: as a researcher, as an individual artist and in collaborations with other artists and designers. Burbano's work ranges from documentary video (in both science and art), sound and telecommunication art to the exploration of algorithmic cinematic narratives. The broad spectrum of his work illustrates the importance, indeed the prevalence, of interdisciplinary collaborative work in the field of digital art.