Dialogues in Development: Co-Designing for reconstruction after a disaster
30 March 2017, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

Dialogues in Development: Co-Designing for reconstruction after a disaster: The use of participatory games (serious games) to design public housing and public spaces
Event Information
Open to
- All
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit
Room 101, DPU, 34 Tavistock Square
This presentation emerges from action research that analyzes the phenomenon of urban informality in the city of Valparaíso (Chile) in the dimensions of habitat and public space. It shows that more than 31% of the population of this city live in informal settlements, a figure that contrasts with the official 3.1% registered by the State, and that in some informal settlements 75% of public space is a product of self-urbanization. I will discuss how we designed dialogic tools (serious games) of co-design and co-planning of housing and public spaces, and present the results of the application of 5 participatory workshops in territories with informal settlements that were affected by an urban forest fire.
Dr. Lautaro Ojeda is an Associate Professor and Principal Researcher in the School of Architecture, Universidad de Valparaiso Chile. He also is Director of CINVIT UV (Research Center of Vulnerability and Territorial informalities). His expertise and research interests are on urban public policies in the context of urban design and civic development, urban informality and the appropriation of urban space. He is currently leading a major research project on the "Study of informal urban appropriations. Creation of dialogic tools for the design of participatory planning strategies. The case of the conurbation of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar”.