
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Mobility Challenges for the Poor and socially vulnerable in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria

24 February 2017, 2:00 pm–3:00 pm

traffic Lagos

Event Information

Open to



The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Room 201, DPU, 34 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ

This talk engages with a discussion on the role of transport mobility on the lives of low-income urban citizens in urban Nigeria. Focusing on the mega city of Lagos, transport-related vulnerabilities and disadvantages for low-income and vulnerable groups will be discussed as well as how they are addressed by local transport. The presentation reflects on the extent to which current and planned transport interventions influence living conditions of urban populations in metropolitan Lagos, reflecting on their role as conduit to foster inclusion.

Dr Charles Asenime has a PhD in transport studies and is currently director of the transport undergraduate and graduate programmes at Lagos State University, Ojo. Dr Asenime has recently joined an international multidisciplinary team of UK and Global South universities exploring transport and social inequalities as part of a GCRF-funded network.