
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU70 Photography Competition

A competition to showcase the engagement of the DPU student community both overseas and in the UK.

A participant takes a photography as part of a participatory photography workshop in Freetown, Sierra Leone, co-facilitated between DPU and SLURC
Photo Credit: Alexander Macfarlane

This photography competition will showcase the engagement of the DPU student community with their practice engagements, both overseas and in the UK, sharing their images and reflections.

Competition details

Do you believe in the potential of photography for development planning? Do you want to showcase your fieldwork photographs with a wider community?

We are excited to be hosting the DPU70 2024 DPU student photography competition. We will be inviting photographers to submit a maximum of 3 photographs taken during the overseas practice engagements. 

Photographers will be able to submit a maximum of 3 photographs, and should relate directly to the work undertaken and encapsulate some of the key themes of the DPU, such as: 

  • Understanding urbanisation in the 21st century 
  • Environmental Justice
  • Working with diversity
  • Re-thinking development 

Competition entrants must be current DPU students.

Full details on rules and entry will be announced later in the year.

Winning entries will be displayed in an exhibition to be hosted at UCL Here East.

Explore previous DPU Photography Competitions here.