
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU Blogs

The DPU produces engaging blogs written by staff, students, alumni and partners on a range of relevant and topical subjects

DPU Blog graphic
Our full collection can be found on our blog site.

Re-educating the educated

Part of the MSc Environment & Sustainable Development Insights from Practice blog series.

“The paradox of education is precisely this – that as one begins to become conscious one begins to examine the society in which he is being educated” (James Baldwin, 1963)

 Part I: Epistemic Injustice and Education

Has the pandemic reinforced what we know about disaster risk management?

Part of our Post COVID-19 Urban Futures series.

The possibility of emerging infectious diseases impacting on our societies is increasing, as our relationship with nature is changing due to climate change, land use change, and humans encroaching on the habitat of wild animals. Additionally, the global spread of emerging infectious diseases is more possible due to the increase in world travel, the global transport of food and intensive food production methods.
