Tribute to Dr Patricia Hillebrandt
22 August 2022
Dr Patricia Hillebrandt has passed away.

The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction is deeply saddened to learn that Dr Patricia Hillebrandt, the doyenne of construction economics, has passed away on 21 July at the age of 92.
In a career spanning nearly 50 years, Dr Pat Hillebrandt spent most of her professional life working with, teaching and researching the construction industry, its firms and its institutions. Her Economic Theory and the Construction Industry (1974) is seen as a seminal piece of work.
Her work took her all over world including Egypt, Sri Lanka, Russia, Latvia and Tanzania. While not the first economist to study or write about construction, she led by using economic concepts and analysis to develop valuable insight and understanding of what was happening in the business of construction.
In the late sixties, she took up a senior lectureship at UCL where she researched and taught building economics and management at the Building Economics Research Unit (BERU) based at the Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning from 1967 to 1980, and was a co-founder of the Masters course in Building Economics and Management, with Professor John Andrews, which eventually was re-titled the MSc Construction Economics and Management, the longest established of our MSc offerings in BSSC.
Dr Pat Hillebrandt was by all accounts a delightful person who was generous with her time and hospitality and will be missed by many. She leaves her sons, their spouses and their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Please click below to read Dr Patricia Hillebrandt’s full obituary.