Remembering Junior in 2011
1 July 2011

CASA has awarded the Prize for the Best Paper on Spatial Analysis, for the second time, at the annual GISRUK conference to remember Sinesio Alves Junior.
This year, the winners were Heshan Du, Suchith Anand, Mike Jackson, Didier Leibovici, Jeremy Morley and Glen Hart from Nottingham - once again! The paper was entitled 'Geographical Information Integration from Disparate Sources'. Jeremy Morley received the award on behalf of the Nottingham group and here he is presenting it to Heshan (Susan) Du who did most of the work for the paper as an undergraduate intern.
CASA will honour Junior's memory at GISRUK each year with a prize for the best paper on Spatial Analysis.
Junior, as he was affectionately known, is a much missed friend and colleague who was a PhD researcher and staff member in CASA for 9 years (2001 to 2010). Junior worked on several projects in his early days with us, particularly the ESRC NeXSuS Project led by Peter Allen from Cranfield, and in 2007-2008 he acted as our systems administrator. He was just returning to Brazil in mid-2008 to take a job at INPE when diagnosed with brain cancer. He and his wife Mariane had everything to look forward to as they were expecting their first child, Ricardo, who was born in late 2008. Junior at least was able to support his family until his untimely death in 2010.
Related Links:
Junior's Webpage
GISRUK Prize for Junior 2010