Funded PhD opportunity available at CASA, in partnership with the UK Department for Transport
2 June 2023

We are looking for a highly motivated individual who has a strong interest in transport geography, spatial analysis, economics, economic geography and urban modelling.
The deadline for application is: 29 June 2023, 11:59pm BST
To apply, please:
- Send your CV and a 500-word (maximum) letter of motivation to Carol Trent,
- Indicate in the letter whether you have a UK nationality or pre-/settled status.
- Use ‘Application for CASA/DfT PhD [your name]’ as the subject of your email.
Interviews with short-listed candidates will be held in the afternoons of 5 and 6 July. Short-listed candidates will receive an invitation during the morning of 4 July.
To read more details on the project and the application process, please view this document.