CASA Masters Students Present at Bartlett MRes Conference 2018
27 September 2018
CASA Spatial Data Science and Visualisation students Fred Shone and Shu Wei presented their dissertation research at the Bartlett MRes conference 2018.

Fred presented his dissertation using neural networks for automated pedestrian detection in video footage. Shu’s research explored spatial and demographic patterns in Chinese online dating data in relation to city hierarchies. Both papers were very well received, showcasing an impressive combination of technical and theoretical skills.

Group 3 (Shu Wei; Pei Zhou; Melanie Imfeld; Anthony Sutton) explored global night light data and social media patterns. Group 4 (Meenu Mohan; Jack Pitts; Melda Salhab) investigated the growth and form of refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan. And finally, Group 5 (Kahina Ait Ouazzou; Shan Yi See; Greg Slater; Dan Qin) explored night life and night tube data in London. The visualisation work was very high quality this year, experimenting with a range of techniques and tools.