Dissertation Day at CASA 2015
4 September 2015
Its been fantastic year on the MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics, MRes Smart Cities and our MRes on Spatial Analysis and Urban Visualisation (now known as Spatial Data Science and Visualisation for the 2016 intake). The deadline for dissertation submission is 1st September each year, a time for celebration and a step back to look at the wide variety of research topics explored.
The photo above shows the first few to arrive.
The full list of dissertation titles are listed below.
MRes Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation
Oliver Dawkins: Virtual Planning for Real
Sally-Ann Goold: Using Big Data to Estimate Happiness in Small Areas
Polly Hudson: Creating Building Attribute Data to Analyse Demoition in the Building Stock
Yuefeng Jiang: Improving Air Quality by Data Analysis and Visualisation: Tower Bridge Lift Decision Support System Design
Heidi Mok: Linking Open Data to a Spatial Problem Solving Workflow
Kaisa J Puustinen-Hopper: Sound and the City. Ambient Sound and Emotion in Urban Environment
MRes Smart Cities
Sofia Cavalcante: The Role of a Public Space in an Educational Campus
Alina Marin: Detecting home-work patterns in the LondonUnderground usage from smart card data
Philippe Vaillant: Beyond commuting flows: spatial communities in London throughout time and demographics
MSc Smart Cities and Urban Analytics
Salman Altuwariki: Testing the Environmental and Economical Validity of using Accelerated Moving Walkways for Public Transportation
Martin Barner: Multiscale Entropy in the Spatial Context of Cities
Federico Fontani: Usability of Google Trends to Support Urban Planning, Management and Policy
Shuo Gao: Land Use Transportation Interaction Model in Daily Commuting Flow: A Case Study of London MSOA's
Tai Tong Kam: An Investigation in Defining Neighbourhood Boundaries Using Location Based Social Media
Martin Lanoux: 19th Century Paris and the Ambition of Smart Technology to Build the Ideal City
Da Li: Spatial Analysis of England and Wales Housing Market by Urban Scaling Law and Machine Learning
Honglei Mao: Whether Open Data is Useful to Sainsbury Track Competitors Movements in the UK
Sharon Richardson: Measuring Mobile Digital Footprints
Edmund Rous-Eyre: An Analysis of Zipcar Members using Geodemographics
Tianjiao Xue: Urban green space analysis and green network case study in Shanghai, China
Yuxun Zhang: Usage Behavior and Demand Analysis on Dock Station in London with Mathematic Models
Yiqiang Zhao: Agent-based Modelling of Underground Emergency Evacuation
Kongying Zhou: Analysis of the Domestic and Non-domestic Energy Consumption pattern of London with simple modelling of potential district heating project