
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Economic Geography Network Seminar Series 2023/24

10 July 2024, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

London City Island, Leamouth Peninsula

Join seminars from the UCL Economic Geography Network for presentations of recently completed work, work in progress and emerging research ideas within the field of Economic Geography.

Event Information

Open to

UCL staff | UCL students




Jessica Ferm


CASA Room 106/107
UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
90 Tottenham Court Road

Established in February 2023, the Economic Geography Network brings together academics and PhD students across UCL researching broadly in the field of Economic Geography or other related disciplines bringing economics into conversation with the urban, and geography. 

The network is cross disciplinary and includes both quantitative and qualitative researchers including urban economists, human, urban and feminist geographers, planners, architects, urban sociologists, applied mathemeticians, spatial data scientists and statistical physicists. Members of the network are based across a range of UCL Schools and Departments including the School of Geography, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), Bartlett Schools of Planning, Architecture and Sustainable Construction, the Development Planning Unit and the Urban Lab, as well as Barlett Centres and Institutes including the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), Institute of Global Prosperity (IGP), Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP), and Bartlett Real Estate Institute (BREI).

Over the academic year, the network is hosting a series of internal seminars in the CASA seminar room. The informal seminars include presentations of recently completed work, work in progress and emerging research ideas. The seminars are below. Further dates will follow.

16 October 2023 | 12:00 | London Housing

London Housing 

12:00 - 13:00

Chair: Max Nathan (max.nathan@ucl.ac.uk)


  • Jon Reades, CASA, UCL – “The People, Where Do They Go? Displacement and the regeneration of council estates”
  • Jess Ferm & Mike Raco, The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL – “Beyond entrepreneurialism: Revealing multiple logics of suburban housing development politics in London” 
  • Sonia Freire Trigo, The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL - “The Governance and Regulation of Registered providers of Affordable Housing. Current and future trends” 
15 November 2023 | 17:00 | Feminist Economic Geographies 

Feminist Economic Geographies 

17:00 - 18:00

Chair: Jess Ferm (j.ferm@ucl.ac.uk)


  • Myfanwy Taylor, The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL - “Urban economies with J.K. Gibson-Graham in mind”
  • Amy Horton, School of Geography, UCL - “Uneven care economies: Comparing for-profit and not-for-profit care homes in the UK during COVID-19” 
  • Kate MacLean, The Bartlett Institute of Global Prosperity, UCL - “Pluri-economy: Rethinking economics from Bolivia's popular markets.”

The organisers welcome you to join them for a drink locally after the event.  

15 January 2024 | 13:00 | Digital Nomadism

Digital Nomadism

13:00 - 14:00

Chair: Jenny McArthur (jenny.mcarthur@ucl.ac.uk)

Title of PhD research project and presentation: 

NomadLands: Digital Nomadism, Geoarbitrage and Infrastructural Transformations


Emanuele Sciuva is a PhD candidate in Urban and Regional Development at DIST, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. Currently, he’s on a visiting period at UCL under the supervision of Sonia Arbaci. His research aims to critically examine the relationship between transnational labour mobility, housing and urban infrastructure in the context of a globalised, technology-driven labour market.

21 February 2024 | 17:00 | The Future of Economic Geography 

The Future of Economic Geography: A Discussion with Henry Yeung 

This seminar will reflect on the state and future of economic geography. Professor Henry Yeung will present his recent intervention in Transactions, which suggests four themes for research: (geo)politics, economies, and space; remaking the global economy; worlds of work; and (un)sustainable global economic/environmental change.

The seminar will be followed by drinks and discussion. 


Henry Yeung is Professor in the Department of Geography at the National University of Singapore. As one of the world’s leading academic experts in global production networks and the global economy, his research concerns theories and the geography of transnational corporations, East Asian firms, and developmental states. He has published seven monographs, most recently Interconnected Worlds: Global Electronics and Production Networks in East Asia (Stanford University Press, 2022) and Theory and Explanation in Geography (Wiley, 2023). He is a longstanding editor of two top journals in Geography, Economic Geography and Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. His work has been recognised through multiple awards, including the Regional Studies Association's Sir Peter Hall Award for Lifetime Contribution to the Field. 


Lin-Fang Hsu has a background in urban planning and industrial policy. Her PhD research works on smart cities and regional industry evolution, with a broader range of research interests in technological innovation, high-tech industries and regional development. Before starting her PhD study, she worked as a consultant at the Nomura Research Institute and as an assistant researcher at an economic and industrial policy think tank in Taiwan.

Jonny Jones teaches human geography in the UCL Department of Geography. He researches the political economy of the logistics sector, with a focus on challenges and opportunities for labour organising.

11 March 2024 | 13:00 | Innovation and Industrial Policy 

Innovation and Industrial Policy 

13:00 - 14:00

Chair: Lin-Fang Hsu (lin.hsu.13@ucl.ac.uk)

Multipliers from a major public sector relocation: the BBC moves to Salford - Max Nathan, CASA, UCL

Smart City Policy as Industrial Policy in Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan: Understanding Bureaucracy as a Site for Reproduction of State Capitalism - Jung Won Sonn & Lin-Fang Hsu, The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL


10 July 2024 | 17:00 | Thinking Labour in Economic Geography 

Thinking Labour in Economic Geography 

17:00 - 18:00 followed by summer social 

Thinking social reproduction: workers in a dormitory labour regime Dr Hannah Schling, UCL Geography 

How can workers win? Some reflections on dockworker organisingDr Jonny Jones, UCL Geography 

More Information:

Image: London City Island, Leamouth Peninsula