
The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


CASA Seminar Series: Dani Arribas-Bel, Liverpool University / ATI

29 November 2021, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm

CASA Seminars

Daniel Arribas-Bel: Spatial Signatures: understanding (urban) form & function in Great Britain. This event has been arranged by CASA the Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

This event is free.

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 Dani Arribas-Bel, Liverpool University / ATI image

About the talk

This talk will introduce the notion of “spatial signatures”, a characterisation of space based on form and function designed to understand urban environments. How cities are organised over space influences social, economic and environmental outcomes but, surprisingly, we know little about the details of these phenomena in part because it is hard to measure at scale. We will present the first stage of the Urban Grammar research project, which develops a conceptual framework to characterise urban form and function. We will then introduce an application of the framework to Great Britain to develop a granular but scalable, data-driven but theory-informed classification.

About the Speaker

Dani Arribas-Bel

at Liverpool University / ATI

About the speaker

Dani Arribas-Bel is interested in computers, cities, and data. He is a senior lecturer in Geographic Data Science at the the University of Liverpool, and Deputy Programme Director for Urban Analytics and ESRC fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. Prior to his appointment at Liverpool in 2015, Dani held positions at the University of Birmingham (UK), the VU University in Amsterdam (Netherlands), Arizona State University (US), and Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain). He holds honorary positions at the University of Chicago’s Center for Spatial Data Science, and the Center for Geospatial Sciences of the University of California Riverside. Dani’s research interests combine urban studies, computational methods and new forms of data. His research is published in journals such as PLOS ONE, Demography, Geographical Analysis, or Environment and Planning (A/B/C), and he is also member of the development team of PySAL, the Python library for spatial analysis. Dani currently serves as co-editor of the journal “Environment and Planning B - Urban Analytics & City Science” and the “Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A - Statistics in Society”, and chairs the Quantitative Methods Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society.

More about Dani Arribas-Bel