CASA Seminar: Effective use of geospatial data in official statistics
12 February 2020, 5:00 pm–6:00 pm
Developing statistical frameworks for new data sources – the good, the bad, and the unknown
This event is free.
Event Information
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Andrew Maclachlan
G0326 Bedford WayLondonWC1H 0DSUnited Kingdom
The quantity of data created, stored and processed in the world has grown exponentially over recent years, but the statistical theory to support its use in official statistics has not. That’s not to say that within the analytical community we are not using or investigating of a wide variety of new sources and new techniques, but the methods used are not based on well-established theory like we have for surveys. ONS is transforming to make much more use of alternative sources – with location and geospatial data at the heart of our statistics. However, using this data involves addressing a range of statistical challenges as identified in “Statistical challenges of administrative and transaction data” (Hand, 2018).
ONS has established a methodological research programme to address these challenges, and is growing capability in geospatial analysis. This talk will share some of the challenges, and highlight some of the geospatial products and analysis that we have recently developed. We will then facilitate a wider discussion with the audience, to discuss the challenges of using this data in official statistics, consider some potential solutions, and explore how you can contribute to this exciting area of work! ONS has established a methodological research programme to address these challenges. We aim to develop statistical frameworks for using and integrating new data sources to produce official statistics and analysis. The key themes of the programme include statistical quality and uncertainty, linkage, privacy, estimation, statistical design, analysis and innovative techniques. This talk will share progress on the plans and achievements to date and explore how you can contribute to this important theoretical research and development.
About the Speakers
Hannah Finselbach
Head of Admin Methods Research at Office for National Statistics
Hannah is currently Head of Service for Admin Data Methods at the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a role established in August 2018. She is responsible for initiating and leading a corporate research programme to develop admin and non-survey data statistical methods. Hannah has worked as a methodologist and statistician in the ONS since 2006, working in a variety of areas within the Methodology Division, as well as leading the production and development of several economic outputs.
Chris Gale
Head of Geospatial Analysis and Capability at Office for National Statistics at Office for National Statistics

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