Urban Laboratory to launch Urban Pamphleteer
19 April 2013
The UCL Urban Laboratory will next week launch Urban Pamphleteer, a new series of publications that confront key contemporary urban questions from diverse perspectives. Written in a direct and accessible tone, these pamphlets draw on the history of radical pamphleteering to instigate change.
Urban Pamphleteer #1 addresses recent ‘Future & Smart Cities’ discourse, asking 'What objectives and principles should shape this field beyond enthusiasm for technological progress for its own sake?'. Contributors include Muki Haklay, Sarah Bell, Alan Penn, Christoph Lindner, John Bingham-Hall, Brian Dixon, Mike Crang & Stephen Graham, Regner Ramos, Susan Collins, Yvonne Rogers, Licia Capra & Johannes Schöening, Laura Vaughan and Antoine Picon.
The series is edited by Ben Campkin and Rebecca Ross, and designed by Guglielmo Rossi. It is produced with financial support from the UCL Grand Challenge of Sustainable Cities.
UrbanLab will celebrate the launch of the series and issue 1 on 26 April 2013 6.30pm at the Slade Research Centre, UCL, Woburn Square, London WC1H 0AB. All welcome!