Thinkspace: Public spaces and civic cultures
26 June 2017, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

For this event, ThinkSpace will explore planning, art and architecture, and democratic creation of the public realm.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
ThinkSpace / UCL Institute for Global Prosperity
Room 6.02, The Bartlett, 22 Gordon Street, London WC1H OQB
How can cities remain spaces of political formation and agonistic struggle? What is the role of architecture and architects in shaping the democratic public realm? How can arts help to turn urban public spaces into sites of possibility, aspiration and social integration?
This event connects the practices of planning, art and architecture and democratic creation of the public realm. Speakers include Iain Borden, Sarah Gaventa, Jo Noero and Heather Philipson. Henrietta Moore is the panel chair.
This is a joint event from ThinkSpace and UCL Institute for Global Prosperity.
- Join us at 5.15 for a tour of the Bartlett Summer Show and a glass of wine
- This event is free and open to the public: please reserve your place on Eventbrite
ThinkSpace is a new forum for cross-disciplinary discussion and debate at UCL curated by Jeremy Melvin. Events are free and open to members of the public.
Image: Jo Noero, UrbanXChanger