
The Bartlett School of Architecture


Adaptable Suburbs Publications

Joural Articles and Working Places 

Vaughan, L. and Griffiths, S. (2013) “A suburb is not a tree”. Urban Design (issue edited by Matthew Carmona on mixed use) 125: 17-19. | download PDF

Vaughan, L., Dhanani, A. and Griffiths, S. (2013) “Beyond the suburban high street cliché - A study of adaptation to change in London's street network: 1880-2013”. Journal of Space Syntax, 4(2), 221-241. | journal page | download PDF

Geddes, I. and Vaughan, L. (2014) “Working Paper: Why do people walk in the suburbs? An analysis of how spatial configuration and land use diversity contribute to walkability”. Working Paper 1/2014. University College London, London. | download PDF

Bolton, T. and Vaughan, L. (2014) "The Past, Present and Futures of the High Street: report on the Closing Conference of the Adaptable Suburbs project". London: The Adaptable Suburbs research project, UCL Bartlett. | download PDF

Dhanani, Ashley (2015), 'Chapter 3: Suburban continuity and change', in Laura Vaughan (ed.), Suburban Urbanities (London: UCL Press), 53-76. | book link

Griffiths, S. (2015), 'Chapter 2: The High Street as a Morphological Event', in Laura Vaughan (ed.), Suburban Urbanities: suburbs and the life of the high street (London: UCL Press), 32-50. | book link

Jeevendrampillai, D (2015), 'Being Suburban', in Laura Vaughan (ed.), Suburban Urbanities (London: UCL Press), 287-306. | book link

Vaughan, Laura, Griffiths, S., and Haklay, M. (2015), ‘The Suburb and the City', in Laura Vaughan (ed.), Suburban Urbanities: suburbs and the life of the high street (London: UCL Press), 11-31. | book link

Dhanani, Ashley (2016), 'Suburban built form and street network development in London, 1880–2013: An application of quantitative historical methods', Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 49 (4), 230-43. | journal page

Jeevendrampillai D. (2016) 'Chapter 17: Making Space for Each Other: Reflections on Incommensurate Data in Interdisciplinary Research', in: Griffiths S. and von Lünen A. eds Spatial Cultures: Towards a New Social Morphology of Cities Past and Present (Routledge: London, New York), 203-213. | book link

Törmä I., Griffiths S., and Vaughan L. (2017) ‘High Street changeability: The effect of urban form on demolition, modification and use change in two South London suburbs’ Urban Morphology, Vol. 21 (2). | article page

Conference Papers and Publications  

Vaughan L. (2011) “The Nature of Suburbia – Change and Continuity”. Presented at The big (suburban) society – community, identity and amenity conference, Demos and Centre for London, London School of Economics and Political Science, 30 Jun 2011. | view presentation

Dhanani A., Vaughan L., Ellul C., and Griffiths S. (2012) “From the Axial Line to the Walked Line: Evaluating the Utility of Commercial and User-Generated Street Network Datasets’ in Space Syntax Analysis”. In Proceedings of the 8th International Space Syntax Symposium, Santiago, Chile. Eds. Greene M., José Reyes and Andrea Castro. | view presentation

Dhanani A., and Jeevendrampillai D. (2012) “Classifying Historical Business Directory Data: Issues of Translation between Geographical and Ethnographic Contributions to a Community PPGIS Project”. Presented at: Geospatial in the Cultural Heritage domain, past, present and future JISC GECO (Geospatial Engagement and Community Outreach) conference, James Reid ed, Kings College London, 7 Mar 2012. | event images | view presentation

Jeevendrampillai D., Dhanani A., Griffiths S., Buchli V., and Vaughan L. (2012) “The Application of Space Syntax Methodologies in Researching the Contemporary Urban Past: Embedding ‘Configurational Ethnography’ the Case of South Norwood”. Presented at the 9th European Social Science History Conference, Glasgow, 11 Apr 2012 – 14 Apr 2012.

Vaughan, L. (2012) “Have the reports of the high street’s ‘death’ been greatly exaggerated?” The 17th Annual Quality Streetscapes Conference – Transport & Towns, London, 26 Apr 2012. | event page | view presentation

Jeevendrampillai D., Dhanani A., Haklay M., and Vaughan L. (2012) “Sub/Urban Adaptability; Understanding Continuity and Change in Public Spaces of the Everyday” (Conference Session). Proceedings of RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2012, University of Edinburgh

Vaughan L., Griffiths S., Jeevendrampillai D., Dhanani A., and Carlisle R. (2012) “Suburban ‘Hedgerows’: How Suburban Centres Foster Diversity over Time”. Proceedings of RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2012, University of Edinburgh

Vaughan L. (2012) “Suburban Adaptability: How Can the Past Inform the Future of Town Centres in London?” In: Sarah Sayce and Peter Garside eds The future for Town Centres: Death or Evolution? Conference held September 2012 at Kingston University in conjunction with South London Partnership | event page | view presentation

Vaughan, L. (2012) “Adaptive Suburban Town Centres”. Paper presented at The geography of the economy conference, Design for London/London High Street Network, Greater London Authority, 3 Dec 2012. | view presentation

Griffiths, S. (2013) “The evolution of suburban town centres - questioning the narrative of historical decline”. 'Mixed Streets' event organised by Urban Design Group. 23 January 2013. | view presentation

Dhanani, A. and Vaughan L. (2013) “A porous urban fabric: the structures and scales of London's peri-urban development from 1880 to 2013”. 9th International Space Syntax Symposium, South Korea, Sejong University Press. | download PDF | event page

Griffiths S., Dhanani A., et al. (2013) “Using space syntax and historical land-use data to interrogate narratives of high street ‘decline’ in two Greater London suburbs”. 9th International Space Syntax Symposium, South Korea, Sejong University Press. | download PDF | event page

Rickles, P. and Ellul, C. (2013) “Potential Uptake of Geographic Information Systems: Reading Between the Lines”. The Association of Interdisciplinary Studies conference, Oxford, Ohio. | view presentation

Vaughan, L. (2014) "Butcher, baker, candlestick-maker". UCL Lunch Hour Lectures. University College London, London. 11 Feb 2014. | view presentation | event page