UCL and the British Museum in Africa & the Middle East: Current Projects, Future Agendas
25 May 2018

A one-day event will
bring together researchers from UCL and the British Museum to consider future
directions in African and Middle Eastern studies, with special attention to the
changing context of fieldwork-based disciplines, collections, and archives. We
will seek to address how the global ambitions of major metropolitan
universities and museums are to be reconciled with a problematic legacy of
colonialism in these regions, and the shifting role of foreign institutions in
relation to local partners. The day will open and close with keynote lectures
from Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (UCL Geography, and Co-Director of the Migration
Research Unit) and Sada Mire (University of Leiden, and alumna of the UCL
Institute of Archaeology). This event will be open to the public, with
opportunities for questions and discussion alongside scheduled talks.
Sign up for this event here
Sponsored jointly by UCL Global Engagement and UCL Innovation & Enterprise.

UCL-BM New Year's Party

On 12 January 2018, over 70 staff and researchers from UCL and the British Museum gathered at the Institute of Archaeology to celebrate, over wine and food, the contribution of our past and present collaborations, and the potential of future ones. UCL was especially glad to welcome back so many of its alumni, who now hold curatorial or research positions at the BM.
Scythians Exhibition: UCL Private View

On 28 November 2017, UCL staff were invited to the British Museum for a private view of the 'Scythians, warriors of ancient Siberia' exhibition, exploring the story of the Scythians - nomadic tribes and masters of mounted warfare, who flourished between 900 and 200 BC.