2020 IAMS Archaeo-metallurgy Summer Shool: Registration opening soon
27 February 2020
Running for more than two decades, the IAMS Summer School in Archaeo-metallugy is offered to anyone interested in the archaeology of metallurgy. Registration opening soon!!!

Archaeo-metallurgy Summer School 2020
The Institute for Archaeo-Metallurgical Studies is pleased to be offering its annual summer course exploring humankind's relationship with metals in all times and places. Metals play central roles in human culture, society, and economy and their understanding their production, use, and distribution opens unique windows to our past. Our diverse set of lecturerers will cover the theory and practice of archaeo-metallurgy while introducing some of the specialsm's key findings. These leading experts will cover a wide range of topics including mining, smelting, casting, forging, experimental reconstruction, field methods, and the analysis of metallic artefacts across multiple regions. Lectures will engage with both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, involve artefact handling sessions, and demonstrate a variety of investigative techniques (metallography, SEM-EDS, and pXRF). The course is intended for professionals, academics, students, and enthusiasts alike.
This year's Summer School will take place from 15-26 June at the Institute of Archaeology.
Registration fees: £250/week
Two weeks: £400
Some addtional subsidies may be available for students in financial hardship.
Contact: Mike Charlton (m.charlton@ucl.ac.uk) and Miljana Radivojevic (m.radivojevic@ucl.ac.uk) for more information