Shropshire International Iron Working Festival 2012
08 August 2012–12 August 2012, 12:00 am–12:00 am

Event Information
Open to
- All
Acton Scott Historic Working Farm, Shropshire, UK
This annual festival of iron smelting brings together artisans, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for four days of blacksmithing and smelting. This year's festival will be held at the Acton Scott Historic Working Farm, Church Stretton, Shropshire, UK.
The event, hosted by the Shropshire council, promises four days of fun and activities centered on recreating ancient smelting practices and experiencing metallurgy the way our ancestors did. Approximately 30 teams are registered to and will be hoping to re-creating bloomery furnaces and to extract iron from ore.
The festival is to take place between the 8th and 12th of August. Anyone interested is welcome to attend, enjoy the sights and sounds, or participate.
For more details, contact the following:
Acton Scott Historic Working Farm
Church Stretton
England SY6 6QN
Tel 0345 678 9024