
UCL Anthropology


Medical Anthropology Blog Posts

Quarantime: Disruption of Routine and the Global Suspension of Lived Temporalities


On Sunday 29th the clocks went forward in the UK. Whilst the Nation may have scarcely noticed the incongruous change in time a year ago (lest it fall on a working day), this time around my social media was filled with sarcastic responses as to the significance of this annual event: “you’ll have to remember to change your clock to make it to the sofa on time”, the memes scoffed. However, far from a mere event of bitter amusement, what can this tell us about ‘time’, and our relationship to it?

Care Labour and Isolation in Italy: New Ethical Challenges Part Two


In the last post, I wrote about the effects of the COVID-19 emergency on elderly care in Italy and the new ethical challenges that emerged in one of the most aged countries in the world under the current crisis. I discussed how the main issue has become how to balance the risk of contagion with the rights of care workers and the demands of care and assistance, which concern not only sick elderly people but also their ʻfamily carersʼ.

Covid-19 in Brazil: Politics and Society


The first case of COVID-19 in Brazil was registered on February 24th, 2020. A 61-year-old businessman living in the state of São Paulo was infected after traveling to Italy. On March 16th, the first COVID-19 death, a 62-year-old man, was also registered in the state of São Paulo. The Brazilian Minister of Health updated the data for COVID-19: This Wednesday (25th), Brazil records 2,433 confirmed cases of Coronavirus. So far, there are 57 deaths.
