
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Positron Physics


Seminars for 2007/08 Academic Year

3rd Term

Date Speaker Institution

10 April


Jean-Claude Garreau
Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille
Experimental observation of an Anderson-type phase-transition with
laser-cooled atoms

6 May


Anna Sanpera
Universidad Autonoma, Barcelona
Witnessing magnetic order of strongly correlated systems
14 May
Jeremy Hutson
University of Durham
Controlling collisions of ultracold molecules
28 May
Sergey Saveliev Loughborough University Controlling the motion of interacting small particles far from equilibrium
11 June
Dieter Bauer Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany Few and many electron systems in intense laser fields --- a time-dependent density functional theory perspective
18 June
Igor Ptashnik Department of Meteorology,
University of Reading
Recent investigations of the water vapour continuum absorption
25 June
Martin Brown/Hemal Varambhia University College London Numerical simulations of cold atom ratchets
/Low-Energy Electron Scattering by Astrophysically Important Molecules, and Quantemol
2 July
Tom Boness/Alex Harvey  University College London Dynamics of a Periodically Kicked Heisenberg Chain/Electron re-scattering in aligned molecules using the R-matrix method

8 July


G S Agarwal Oklahoma State University Quantum Imaging beyond Rayleigh Resolution

 11 July


F.A. Gianturco University of Rome Collisional dynamics at ultralow energies: controlling efficiency by changes in potentials and initial internal states

2nd Term

Date Speaker Institution
9 Jan Françoise Masnou-Seeuws Laboratoire Aimé Cotton,  Orsay, France  Prospects for formation of stable ultracold molecules via photoassociation with chirped laser pulses
16 Jan Witold Chalupczak National Physical Laboratory Atomic fountain - clock vs. measurement tool
23 Jan Jordi Mur Petit AMOPP Seminar Understanding and controlling spin dynamics in spinor condensates
30 Jan Daniel Segal Imperial College London Two-ion Coulomb crystals of Ca+ in a Penning trap
06 Feb Stefan Scheel Imperial College London QED in dielectrics --- what's all the (quantum) noise about?
13 Feb Ben Sauer Imperial College London Testing Time Reversal Symmetry
20 Feb Dieter Bauer Max-Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg, Germany Few and many electron systems in intense laser fields --- a
time-dependent density functional theory perspective
27 Feb Robert Potvliege University of Durham Above-threshold ionization in intense laser fields: from few-cycle pulses to the
long pulse limit
5 Mar James Walters Queen's University, Belfast Coincidence Studies with Matter and Antimatter
12 Mar Kai Bongs University of Birmingham/Universität Hamburg, Germany Dark and dark-bright
solitons in matter waves
19 Mar Yuri Ovchinnikov National Physical Laboratory Laser cooled sources of slow atoms

1st Term

Date Speaker Institution
3 Oct  Stefan Willitsch Dept of Chemistry, UCL  Ion-molecule chemical reactions at very low temperature
10 Oct Winfried Hensinger  Sussex University Architectures for ion quantum technology 
16 Oct (Tuesday) 3 pm in E7 Alexandra Olaya Castro  Oxford University  Quantum interference, entanglement, and the efficiency of excitation transfer in light-harvesting systems
17 Oct* Don Eigler IBM Almaden Research Center W H Bragg Lecture: The small frontier
24 Oct Jacob Dunningham  Leeds University  Nonlocality of a single partcle
31 Oct Matt Jones Durham University  Ultracold Rydberg and plasma physics with strontium atoms 
7 Nov Weifeng Yang Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, China Phase dependence of ultrafast multiphoton processes in polar molecule media
14 Nov** Jan Michael Rost MPI Dresden  Massey Lecture:  From ultracold to ultrafast: matter under extreme conditions
21 Nov David Andrews  UEA  Moving heaven and earth: new interactions of laser light
27 Nov (Tuesday) 4 pm in E1 Stephen J Buckman Centre for Antimatter-Matter Studies (ANU)  Low Energy Lepton Interactions - Electron and Positron Interactions
28 Nov Grant Ritchie Oxford University  Laser studies of chemical dynamics
5 Dec AMOPP Open Day    
12 Dec Roy Newell AMOPP Research seminar