
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Positron Physics


PhD studentships in the AMOPP group


PhD studentships in the AMOPP group

The AMOPP group hosts a lively and vibrant research community with 17 principal investigators and more than 110 people overall, including PhD students, postdoctoral research associates and support staff. Research within the group spreads across a vast range of areas, such as

  • quantum information processing and quantum technologies,
  • atomic and molecular cooling and trapping,
  • highly excited Rydberg states,
  • quantum cavity optomechanics,
  • quantum sensing,
  • positron and positronium physics,
  • ultracold laser spectroscopy and strong laser interactions,
  • theoretical physics of molecules and quantum systems,
  • astronomical spectroscopy,
  • quantum collective dynamics in light-matter systems,
  • quantum physics of biomolecular processes,
  • macromolecular interactions in biological systems,
  • attosecond, strong-field and free-electron-laser interactions of matter with light.

DTP Scholarships

To start in Autumn 2024; application deadline 1pm UK time on Jan 8th 2024.

We warmly invite competitive applications for scholarships on the following seven projects, open to home and international candidates with an interest in pursuing research in theoretical or experimental physics:

If you are interested in applying, please contact the project’s supervisor directly. The application portal may be found here.

Further funding opportunities

Highly competitive scheme based on academic merit, open to both Home and International students.

Based on academic merit and financial need, open to UK-permanent resident from one of the following BAME ethnic groups: Black or Black British - Caribbean; Black or Black British - African; Other Black background; Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi; Asian or Asian British - Pakistani.

Open to citizen and permanent residents of the People’s Republic of China. Often combined with Dean’s Prize (see below).

The Dean’s Prize waivers international fees for students who have won a competitive scholarship.


Seaton award

An award of £1000 has been established in honour of Prof M Seaton FRS, distinguished atomic physicist and former member of the group. This award will assist new students joining the AMOPP group. One recipient will be selected by the group every year on the basis of academic merit and particular circumstances (e.g., students coming from abroad or moving to London).