
Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Positron Physics


Free Electron Lasers and Attosecond Light Sources: portals to ultrafast dynamics in AMO systems

Conference at University College London, June 30th - July 2nd 2014


Ultra-Short and Intense Laser pulses offer the means to observe, control and probe multi-electron effects during ionization and break-up of strongly-driven atoms and molecules. Moreover, Free Electron Laser facilities is a route to delivering XUV and X-ray pulses with intensities orders of magnitude larger than those provided by conventional synchrotron radiation sources.
Ultra-fast and intense X-ray pulses open-up new horizons for probing and controlling the attosecond motion of inner-shell electrons in multi-photon multi-ionization processes.

This conference aims to bring together theorists from the FEL and Attosecond-Strong Field Science communities to discuss and present recent advances in theoretical techniques developed to tackle multi-electron effects in ionization of atoms and molecules.
Another goal of this meeting is to draw together theorists and experimentalists in order to identify the most interesting challenges that both communities will face in the future.

There are two main options for accommodation:

  1. staying in a local hotel or
  2. staying in a student hall

Note that the student halls closer to UCL are the Carr-Saunders hall, the Passfield Hall and, a bit further away, the Rosebery Hall.

Please book your accommodation early since summer is a very busy time in London.

 Preliminary List of Invited Speakers
Paul Corkum  National Research Council Ottawa, Canada
Jan Michael Rost Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems, Germany
Linda Reichl University of Texas at Austin, USA
Robin Santra CFEL at DESY, Germany
Michael Meyer European XFEL, Germany
Nora Berrah  University of Connecticut, USA
Andreas Becker JILA, Colorado University Boulder and NIST, USA
Maciej Lewenstein ICFO, Spain
Nina Rohringer CFEL and MPI for Complex Systems, Germany
Jon Marangos 
Imperial College London, UK
Anthony Starace The University of Nebraska, USA
Hugo van der Hart Queen's University Belfast, UK
Nirit Dudovich Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Uwe Thumm Kansas State University, USA
Reinhard Doerner Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Lars Bojer Madsen Aarhus University, Denmark
Alejandro Saenz Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Olga Smirnova 
Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany
Misha Ivanov Max Born Institute Berlin, Germany
David Villeneuve   
National Research Council Ottawa, Canada
Salieres Pascal   CEA-Saclay, France
Richard Taieb   University of Pierre and Marie Curie, France

    Conference Location:

    University College London 

    Roberts Building

    Torrington Pl, Greater London WC1E 6BT

    Lecture Theatre: G06 Sir Ambrose Fleming LT