
UCL Institute of the Americas


Fernando Gutiérrez contributes to UN urban planning report

5 January 2022

Cover of the UN report on community participation and urban design, showing a schematic illustration of a number of diverse persons standing around a growing tree, with the logo of the UN Habitat Office

Fernando Gutiérrez (PhD Candidate UCL Institute of the Americas) contributed to the recently published UN-Habitat report “Participación comunitaria en proyectos de espacio público y diseño urbano durante la pandemia COVID-19: Experiencias y reflexiones de Iberoamérica y el Caribe” [Community participation in projects for public space and urban design during COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences and reflections from Ibero-America and the Caribbean], coordinated by Ana Lucía Carmona and Daniel Chong (UN-Habitat Mexico).

The UN-Habitat report aims to reflect on the role of community participation and social engagement. The report examines how processes community participation help to develop public space and urban design projects in Ibero-America and the Caribbean during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Fernando contributed with his ongoing research on public space in Mexico City and the social effect of the ongoing pandemic on some vulnerable populations (pages 26 to 35).

Read and download the original UN-Habitat Report [.pdf document available in Spanish only]  

See full note on UN-Habitat Mexico here.

Fernando Gutierrez Hernandez
Fernando Gutiérrez

Fernando is currently pursuing his PhD studies at UCL Institute of the Americas. The working title of his research project is Attachment and memory: urban regeneration and the Alameda Central in Mexico City’s historic centre. He is working under the supervision of Professor Paulo Drinot and Professor Ann Varley (UCL Department of Geography) as primary supervisors and Dr Kate Saunders-Hastings as secondary supervisor. Read more about his research and publications here.