There is a wide range of methods of engagement with AI Centre, from contributing to our training programs, engaging in collaborative research and much more.
Collaborate with us on research activities
We have an excellent track record in raising research funding in AI on projects co-led industrial partners, for example through Innovate UKRI (EPSRC), Cisco, Google and various others.
If you are interested in a collaboration, please contact xxxx
Co-fund a PhD student in one of our programmes
Co-funding a PhD student offers an excellent way to engage with AI Centre, contributing to the definition of the student project, (where appropriate) helping with the research, hosting the student on research visits and secondments, offering mentorship.
To find out more, please contact David Barber
Contribute to our training programmes
Our MSc and PhD training programmes offer many opportunities for guest lectures from industry, either delivered at UCL or one of week-long residential schools outside of London (typically in Cumberland Lodge). We encourage our industrial partners to deliver lectures at these schools, giving a new perspective on AI or contribute in any way they see appropriate.
If you are interested in collaborating with AI Centre please contact xxx
Participate in our training programmes
AI Centre offers short introductory courses in AI aimed at the commercial sector, delivered by experts in the field. You can find out more.
Get involved in our start-ups
We have a growing number of start-ups in AI at various stages of investment, including some which are pre-seed. Contact David Barber to find out more about current investment opportunities in AI start-ups.